
Saturday, February 4, 2012 the Next Step of the No Plan

Kudos to GDS for keeping their word this time and launching Betagov - sorry, - in January 2012 as they said. However, the public sector web is a world of continually lowered expectations, and it's hard to see anything revolutionary about is a website with no transactions and very little local navigation. Credit where it's due: it's nicer-looking than Directgov and dispenses with the oppressive global navigation which a different hierarchy of consultants came up with for Directgov in 2006, the version which is virtually unchanged today.

It's a long-overdue replacement for Directgov, but at the moment it's still not clear whether Directgov will be closed on schedule in August 2012.

It's part of a project costing £1.7 million; although with the existing Directgov and other government bodies contributing man hours, it seems ...

Hang on a minute, what the hell's this?

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